This will be Caroline's 2nd year leading team Kaliope Oregon, in honor of me and my local team, Team Kaliope. Caroline making this kind of commitment to help end MS is just amazing! Since MS limits my ability to exercise (and ok, I am lazy too!), thinking about biking for over 100 miles over 2 days just blows my mind! Especially since I don't even know how to ride a bike!
If you are able to donate to Caroline's efforts to ending MS, please donate any amount. You can view Caroline's personal, secure webpage here. Every dollar counts! Sharing this blog and Caroline's webpage would also be a great help... not only to raise funds, but also to help raise awareness!
As I mentioned, this is not Caroline's first time participating in Bike MS. I was lucky enough to have Caroline guest blog for me last year about her experience. You can read about Caroline's Bike MS Journey here. And, if you would like to read more about how Caroline and I "met" (you'll see why I put this in quotes once you know our story!) you can read all about it in my previous blog Inspiring Others to Raise Awareness.
Every year I participate in Walk MS, and I know what a special experience that is. I can only imagine how amazing Bike MS is, as well. I wish I could be there to cheer Caroline on, and maybe someday I will. But for now, I will be riding with her in spirit!