As you may know, I contributed to Volumes I and II and it was a huge accomplishment for me. I am now working on pieces to submit to Volume III and hope this will be the best volume yet!
I have always enjoyed writing and to be able to share it with others in this way has been amazing. I've Been Published! pretty much explains it all.
I encourage YOU to submit something as well. The editors will accept for review original essays, fiction and poetry, and are looking for new voices to add to the previous work of Volume I and Volume II.
The editors are accepting material for consideration until June 30, 2015. Essays and fiction should not exceed 3,000 words, and shorter writings are encouraged. Multiple submissions of poetry is encouraged, up to three pieces per writer. Art/graphic ideas for the cover are also needed.
There is no cost to writers if your craft is included in SOOM, but everyone is asked to help actively promote the sale of the book through Amazon. This is a fundraising project coordinated by volunteers, and all profits will be donated directly to the Accelerated Cure Project.
For complete details and submission guidelines, email
I hope I will see your name in SOOM!